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Top Summer Damages to Inspect and Repair Before Autumn Sets In

Top Summer Damages to Inspect and Repair Before Autumn Sets In

Summer’s golden rays and warm breezes are delightful, but the season can leave behind a trail of damages that, if unattended, can lead to costly repairs. As autumn approaches, it’s crucial to inspect and repair these summer damages to maintain your property’s integrity. This guide will help you identify common summer damages, provide inspection tips, suggest repair strategies, and recommend preventative measures for future protection.

Identifying Common Summer Damages

Summer can be harsh on various parts of your property, especially when you consider the combined effects of sun, storms, and heat. Let’s delve into some typical areas that might need your attention.

Exterior Walls

High temperatures can cause paint and siding to peel, warp, or crack. These changes not only affect the aesthetics but also compromise the protective layer of your home. Heavy summer rains can also lead to water infiltration, causing mold and mildew growth on walls and siding.

Gutters and Downspouts

Summer storms can deposit debris in gutters and downspouts, leading to clogs that disrupt water flow. Overflows or leaks from clogged gutters can damage the building’s foundation and walls, creating even more issues down the line.

Landscaping and Green Spaces

Extended periods of heat can stress plants and lawns, leading to brown patches and wilting. Heavy rains can wash away soil, damaging landscaping features and creating unstable ground. Both drought stress and erosion are significant concerns for maintaining a healthy and attractive landscape.

Creating an Effective Inspection Checklist

Now that we’ve identified the potential problem areas, it’s time to inspect your property thoroughly. Here’s how to go about it:

Walls and Siding

Inspect for cracks, peeling paint, and discoloration on your walls and siding. Look closely for signs of mold and mildew, especially after heavy rains, as these can lead to bigger problems if not addressed promptly.

Gutters and Downspouts

Ensure your gutters and downspouts are clear of debris. Check for signs of overflow or leaks that could indicate blockages. A simple way to test this is to use a garden hose to run water through the system and see if it flows freely.


Assess the health of your plants and lawns, looking for signs of drought stress, brown patches, and wilting. Also, look for soil displacement and damage to landscaping features caused by erosion.

Implementing Repair Strategies

Having identified the issues, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Wall and Siding Maintenance

Touch up peeling paint and replace damaged siding. Ensure proper sealing to prevent future damage. Clean any mold and mildew with appropriate solutions and repaint with mold-resistant paint.

Gutter Care

Use a garden hose to flush out debris from your gutters. For stubborn clogs, a gutter scoop can be handy. Fix minor leaks with gutter sealant, and consider replacing sections of the gutter if there’s significant damage.

Landscaping Restoration

Water drought-stressed plants deeply and regularly. Mulching can help retain soil moisture. To control erosion, add soil and reseed eroded areas. Installing erosion control mats or barriers can also help stabilize the soil.

Taking Preventative Measures

Preventative maintenance is key to avoiding extensive repairs in the future.

  • Perform regular inspections to catch early signs of damage. Use weather-resistant paint and sealants to protect your walls and siding from the elements.
  • Installing gutter guards can reduce debris buildup and make maintenance easier. Regular cleaning, especially after storms, will prevent clogs and overflows that can damage your property.
  • Adjust watering schedules according to the season to maintain healthy plants. Regularly aerate soil and add organic matter to promote healthy growth and prevent erosion.


Inspecting and repairing summer damages before autumn sets in is essential to maintain your property’s health and value. By addressing issues early, you can prevent more significant problems and save on costly repairs.

Ensure your property is ready for autumn by scheduling a professional inspection today. If you need help with inspections, repairs, or maintenance, CBM Corp is here to support you with expert services and advice. Let’s prepare your property for the upcoming season together!